"Your words have no power to alter the truth. Your perception does not affect any reality but your own... it is your words and deeds that cast your reflection. "

~Luna Jade, musician

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Hiatus Apology

I know it's been a long time since I last wrote in here and I know that story isn't quite completed yet as I haven't brought it to the fight to get the divorce completed (what a saga THAT was). My biggest problem was that every time I tried to write (and I feel it niggling right now), a migraine would take over. Between the eyestrain and the stress, it's no real surprise. However, I have been keeping up with the side bars somewhat and every time I find something that would be of interest here, I get it added. You'll see a new graphic on the left today as well as 2 Facebook pages that could be of interest to those that are now going through what I did back then. Got to love the internet these days and all the information you can get in a split second.  I actually am starting to get the itch to work in here again. Maybe it'll be a doorway to get me into my other blogs here ^_~. I am noticing that all the info in here is making it a tad junky though, so it's highly likely that I may take this particular blog to another site or just start a new Blogger account for just this kinda stuff. Who knows. The ideas are just bouncing around right now and not really coming to fruition... yet.


ChicagoLady said...

Like I've said before, take your time, and when you are ready, we will be here to support you.

Intense Guy said...

Dittos ChicagoLady.

Hugs you tight.